Spending my time off with my family on the west side. My brothers are so fun!

I have been journaling my journey in self awareness and watching my body change. I came here thinking I was going to turn into a modern hippy and am more of a nerd. I absolutely love the anatomy and learning how the body functions.

The yummiest live bowl of fruit ever. Real coconut milk, passion fruit, bananas, dates, papaya, almonds and mac nuts..

The sweetest fruit in the world, so good when it hits your lips..

Allison is amazingly balanced...

Yoga in Hanalei at the beach. What a view...

The last two weeks has been transformational for me. I have been breathing in ways that are changing my structure and making my body loosen up. We do yoga for four hours in the morning. Going through sequences on the floor, standing sun salutations and warriors that draw the power and and integrity of the joints and ligaments in. Lengthening the body lengthening what feels tight and strengthening what is loose. It is all using the breath through the diaphragm, activating the Psoas, engaging the scapula, and breathing in and out through the ribs.

you don't go into pain to get out of pain. Using PNF to unwind the tissue from its tension creating blood flow, strength, and flexibility.

Allison in Hanumanasana she is such a strong flexible human. She makes it look easy. Actually it feels good when you breath into it and use the blocks

Kauai is so amazingly beautiful. Surfing, hiking, hanging with the family, jumping in the cold pond...loving life! Up next, our journey to the Hindu temple in the deep mountains of Wailua. The surroundings of lush forests, gardens, and bliss...